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Raia & David

Raia & David
Livin' Lovin' Our Boho Mojo Country Life

Friday 7 July 2017

R D Creative Ventures

From my earliest recollections, whenever adults asked what I wanted to be and do with my life, my response was always, "I want to create things and help people." According to my parents, they had trouble with that, it was too abstract and not a true goal.

As it was then, it is now. It was a goal and one that I achieved. It is how I love and what I do whether there is an exchange of money. I create things and assist people in the field of health, wellness and dynamic healthy living. Hubs David Malloy and I worked together and were able to pool our talents. After we were married in 1991, we decided to co-create CRD Creative Ventures. I go by either given name Raia or Coralie and that combined with the "D" in David is who we are and what we do.

We offer a variety of personal development courses on and off line, we are writers, motivational facilitators and artisans. We re-purpose and re-use items and turn them into designs for home and yard. As earthling nature lovers following the old ways, we live simply, in a small rural community in south central Manitoba.

We have two websites, Fresh

The  website for one of the books I wrote, I've Been There~A Testimony of Hope: 

On the other artisan side of who we are and what we do here are a few creative expressions we have gathered from wanderlust foraging in nature and what we did with just a few of the gems we found. This is us, Raia and David R D Creative Ventures, we have many and love living our Boho Mojo Ventures and Adventures. 


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