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Raia & David

Raia & David
Livin' Lovin' Our Boho Mojo Country Life

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Spirit Sands in Manitoba, Canada...An enchanting, spiritual place_ Part 1

Part of our artsy earthling enjoyment is to create videos and slide shows of places and subjects of interest. As Earthling nature lovers this video is one of our happy places. Spirit Sands is located in the Spruce Provincial Park, in Manitoba, Canada. The area is a place we go to and view it as among the many sacred spaces on the plant. When you explore this place with us on this video you will see an enchanting place that had its beginning more than 15,000 years ago.

The Assiniboine River, much larger than it is today, created an enormous delta as it brought glacial melt waters into ancient Lake Agassiz.. Of the original 6,500 square kilometers of delta sand, only four square kilometers remain open. The rest is now covered with a rich variety of plants and wildlife.

Wind-patterns sand, cacti and high temperatures make it tempting to call Spirit Sands a desert. Yet the moisture it receives of 300-500 millimeters per year is nearly twice the amount in a true desert region. This abundant rainfall supports plant and animal life and the plants colonize and cover the dunes and decreasing the open sand area.

For centuries people have come to see the special, enchanting feel of Spirit Sands and aboriginal people were among them. World renowned nature writer Ernest Thompson Seton walked the sand-hills and dunes in a desire to learn more about this rare and unusual part of Manitoba's natural legacy.

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